DNCC Exchange Visit

Welcome to kabarole District

Kabarole District is Located in Western Uganda at a road Distance of 300 km from Kampala the capital city. It has an estimated population of 318,216 (Census 2014) and a population growth rate of 2.3 per annum. The District lies at an altitude of 1300-3800 meters above sea level. It borders with Bunyangabu in the south, Kamwenge in South East, Kyenjojo in the East, Bundibugyo and Ntoroko in the Northwest and Kibaale in the North east.

Kabarole lies between latitudes 00 15” N and 10 00” N and longitudes 300 00” E 310 15” E. It lies at an altitude of 1300 – 1800 meters above sea level. The District has a total area of 1,814km2 of which 1,569km2 is covered by land and 198km2 is covered by open water/wetlands. Arable land is 1,569km2 and the area under cultivation is 1,307km2.

The District has good climate with temperatures ranging from 20°C to 30°C and rainfall ranging from 1,200mm – 1,500 mm per annum. The District has cool temperatures averaging between 22°-25°C and has a bimodal rainfall, ranging from 1200mm – 1500mm per annum. The district has three distinct agro-ecological zones i.e. North-eastern zone, the Middle zone and the Highland (Mountain) zone. The three different zones offer different opportunities for commercial agriculture ranging from tea, dairy cattle, bananas, coffee, Apiary, and Horticulture. In addition the district is covered by rolling hills and mountains with acidic soils which have favoured tea growing. Furthermore the District is covered with good soils conducive for agriculture where geological divisions show that 90% of the district is covered with black loam (volcanic) soil while a few places especially in Busoro and parts of Hakibaale sub counties have red sandy clay loams occasionally underlain by soft late

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