Just like other departments in civil service, 2021/2022 financial year has been decked with covid 19 recovery programs. Audit developed its strategies geared towards the achievement of its grand objective; to provide quality assurance and consultancy services to both the governance and the management sectors.

Our critical reviews, interventions and guidance on operational services have helped to increase public trust and confidence in the benefiting communities. 

Mr.Rwabuhoro Charles District Internal Auditor

Audit has endeavored that the district officials attain a high level of dedication to service delivery and also remain accountable for their individual performance. This has helped in avoiding wastage of resources hence promoting value for money in all executed projects and activities.

Post covid 19 has seen many operational strategies being introduced for the first time in audit. Driven by the desire to achieve an unqualified opinion from external auditors, audit reports and management letters have pushed stakeholders to focus on thematic areas as directed by the central government.

We commend the CAO for having responded to audit issues on a timely manner. This has made all stakeholders to keep within the agreeable service delivery framework. The continuous audit reviews have helped the district to realize commendable outcome from the resources invested.

in a bid to ensure continued achievement of our core objectives, Audit is asking management and the district executive to ensure that they invest in the timely sharing of information to all stakeholders. 

Audit desires to see that all political leaders and lower local government officials are on the same page equipped with correct information. This includes sharing the BoQs, project implementations schedules and other major changes in approved work plans. 

We wish you a covid free environment and pray for the protection of the Almighty in all our undertakings.

Ndibalema R Charles 

District Internal Auditor