

Launch of Harugong-Kakundwa-Busoro road(7.4Kms) by LEGS project,Present is the State minister of local government Victoria Businge Rusoke, District Chairperson Rwabuhinga Richard,LEGS cluster Team and MP Steven Kagwera.The LEGS cluster team leader expressed our gratitude to the government of Uganda for the trust and confidence given to LEGS in the ministry of Local government. LEGS is a four year program funded by Islamic development bank and GOU in 10 district, its positioned to contribute to Uganda’s vision 2040. LEGS is optimistic that during the four years of implementation, lives of Kabarole people will be transformed through, easier access to markets through improved road network, hence improved income.Increased household income through establishment of agricultural demonstration gardens.LEGS through the Micro Finance Support centre will provide Islamic financing packages to farming groups and co-operatives so that they may add value to their crops, especially in maize,rice,coffee,simsim,millet,vegetables as well as poultry products.


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