Water & Sanitation

Water Sector Report – Kabarole District

Water Sector Report

Kabarole District has a population of 287,000 with 10 sub-counties and 5 town councils, 52 parishes, and 347 villages. Out of the said villages, we have 78 unserved villages.

Kabarole District under the Water Department budgeted for funds worth 745,255,323 UGX this financial year 2023/24 where 65% is for development, 25% rehabilitation, and 10% service investment cost. Development grants include 614,286,323 UGX transitional grant, 14,000,000 UGX non-wage, and 64,969,000 UGX wage.

Access to safe water – 78%

Rural Access – 77%

Functionality of water sources – 82%

Equity – 97%

Management – 70%

Gender – 70%

Source per village – 77.5%

Basic Latrines – 42.4%

Lined Latrines – 51.2%

No Service – 6.4% (no latrines)

Hand Washing after latrine use – 18.5%

Sub County Parish Parish with Unserved Villages Unserved Villages
Kicwamba 3 Bwanika Buhara I and II
Harugongo 3 Nyantaboma Mugamba A, Bulyambuzi B, Bulega, Mpinga, Kanywankoko
Ruteete 3 Kyamukoka Imaranjara

No Project Amount Remarks
1 Extension of water to Kyamakemba Village in Kaswa Parish, Busoro Sub County 39,951,261 UGX Works are complete, waiting to connect meters from NWSC.
2 Drilling and installation of 1 production well at Kyebambe Girls’ Secondary School 48,326,860 UGX Work in progress
3 Drilling and installation of 1 production well at the new administration block 46,156,450 UGX Work in progress

We have several planned interventions and strategies to improve WASH in the district, including community sensitization programs, installation of new water sources, and regular maintenance of existing facilities.

Project Scope Amount
Extension of water to (Mugamba-Kantemeho-Nyakabira) 140,000,000 UGX
Construction of a 2-stance lined latrine at Kyakagusa Market in Kicwamba Subcounty 20,000,000 UGX


Project Scope Amount
Rehabilitation of 15 Shallow Wells in the Sub Counties of Rwengaju, Hakibaale, Kiko and Kasenda Town Councils Various locations 49,000,000 UGX
Water Quality Testing and surveillance for Old and New Water Sources Piped Water systems of Nyakitokoli, Mahyoro, Buhikira, Busaiga, Isunga, Mugusu, and Kasenda 19,219,823.875 UGX
Retention Fees for Financial Year 2023/2024 Various projects 16,063,790.225 UGX

Allocation of Water Development Grant (UgIFT) as per the Ministry of Water and Environment Guidelines

Water Development Grant – 329,182,721 UGX (Three hundred twenty-nine million one hundred eighty-two thousand seven hundred twenty-one shillings only)

Intervention % Allocation Amount
New capital developments that included water and sanitation facilities 85% 279,805,312.85 UGX
Investment servicing costs 15% 49,377,408.15 UGX

Despite the challenges, we remain committed to serving the people of Kabarole District with support from partners and all stakeholders as we strive to achieve our objective of 100% access by 2030.

“Remember Water is Life!”