Planning Unit

Planning Unit is Mandated to provide an integrated planning system for services, focusing on sector plans and polices, facilitate effective monitoring and evaluation of programs, projects and activities, coordinate Data collection, analysis and management for informed decision making, coordinate timely preparation and submission of physical progress and annual reports and planning, management and coordination of projects in the District.

Planning is a management function enshrined in the Local Act Cap. 243 which is mandated to advice council on strategic plans focusing on the development of the District putting into consideration equitable distribution of resources basing on accurate and realistic statistics. Planning is generally a participatory process which involves identifying the goals and objectives to be achieved, formulating strategies and means to achieve the desired goal.

The unit has ensured that this mandate is met by coordinating the preparation of the District. Annual work plans, budget framework papers and approved budgets estimates, prepared annual/quarterly performance reports and design and formulation of projects like AGRI-LED.

All these core working frameworks are submitted to the Ministry of Finance, Planning and Economic Development, other Central Government agencies and Development partners for funding and accountability. During this Financial Year, major achievements including; tracking the performance of the development plan, preparation of the Annual work plans, budget framework papers and approved annual budget for F/Y 2022/23 and draft budget estimates for F/Y F/Y 2022/23, coordinated and prepared proposals under the AGRI-LED initiative where the work plan and project profiles for three F/Ys were prepared and submitted to MoLG. We have also prepared and submitted annual/quarterly performance reports to MoFPED and MoLG, coordinated DDEG projects in the District and also the unit has continued to coordinate monitoring and evaluation of government programmes that are being implemented include; third phase of Kiko – Mburo power line extension and construction a three stance pit latrine at Mugusu Primary School as well as mandatory monthly District Technical Planning Committee (DTPC) meetings have been held.

The unit continues to appreciate the efforts of all development partners who have supported it and the District and a whole during the F/Y to ensure that the District achieves its mission which is, “To achieve sustainable socio-economic development through efficient provision of quality services to the people in conformity with national policy and local priorities.” Some of the partners include IRC, Toro Dev and UNICEF among others.

Lastly, the appreciation goes to the staff in the Unit that have kept it moving who include Mr.Patrick S.B Kato (District Planner/Head of Planning), Mr. Musinguzi Daniel (Senior Planner), Mr. Kunihira Eriya (Planner), and (Ms. Katusabe Mariam (Office Attendant).